Convention Etiquette; Tips to Help You and Fellow Con Goers To Enjoy The Con

Con Etiquette
Image result for anime convention photos

Hello students! Welcome to professor Viper’s first day of con etiquette class. Today we will be taught the do’s and don’ts of appropriate convention behavior and how to avoid angry cosplayers.

Image result for cosplay hug

We’re starting off with a biggie. Do not glomp. Under any circumstances. Glomping seems harmless but there are a multitude of reasons as to why it’s a bad idea. These reasons include but are not limited to:

  • The cosplayer has a very gently constructed cosplay item on them such as wings or armor that could be damaged or broken if someone glomps them.
  • They could be Haphephobic, meaning an extreme dislike/discomfort of someone touching them, to the point where they will scream or cry the same way someone would if a spider was touching them and they were arachnophobic.
  • They could have back issues where a surprise or ‘extreme’ hug like that would hurt them even more or cause them a lot of pain.
  • They (or you) could have unsealed body paint that could rub off onto your (or their) costume.
  • It could be considered sexual assault because it is usually not consented to beforehand and is meant to come off as a surprise, which quite a few people don’t take too kindly to.

Instead of glomping, try asking kindly for a hug. Don’t take it personally if they refuse.

2.Pictures/cosplayer etiquette.
Image result for anime convention photos

Taking pictures is fun and getting your picture taken is fun and shows of your hard work and likeness of a character, but it’s only fun if all parties consent.

  • Please ask permission first in order to take a picture of someone. DO NOT TAKE ‘CREEP SHOTS’, which consist of taking a picture of someone when they’re not paying attention and you don’t know them, taking pictures up their cosplay when on the escalator, and taking pictures if they explicitly state they do not want their picture taken.
  • Wait until a person is done eating to ask for a picture.
  • If the person is sitting down and taking a break, wait until they finish their break to ask for the picture or say ‘excuse me’ and ask if you may take the picture. Do not just take the picture.
  • If the person is on the phone, also wait until their call is over to ask for a picture.
  • If the person is crying or upset, do not ask for a picture.
  • If you want to offer a snack, be careful about the distance if it is messy or could get on someone because 1) it could stain their cosplay or 2) they could be severely allergic to said snack.
  • Please do not touch or grab their props without explicit permission from the owner, as they could be fragile or expensive or even dangerous if made with real steel.
  • It is okay to gush over their cosplay but try not to put yourself down in order to make them feel good about your cosplay, saying things like “You’re the best, everyone else can go home.” or “I’d never look as good as you” might seem like good compliments but cosplay is for fun and doesn’t need to be a competition.

3.Artist Alley etiquette

Image result for artist alley images

Buying art and prints is always much fun but please be mindful of these rules to make sure that everyone has fun and is respectful of the artist.

  • Do not touch the art without permission
  • Do not tell the artist their prices are too high (as this is what the main source of young adult artist is and lowering their prices might be better for you but will seriously hurt their end income)
  • Try not to block the table or art with your body or costume parts (such as wings) as it prevents other possible customers to look at the art they might want to buy.
  • Do not hover around the table too much if you are not going to buy anything, simply tell the owner of the booth that they have great art and that you are still going to think it over, which gives you leeway to leave and be able to think about whether or not you want their art.
  • Give detailed specifications of what you want the artist to draw for you so that it comes out perfect when they finish and you will not have to ask for corrections to be made, making both you and the artist feel awkward.
  • Offer to bring them food or a drink if they are swamped with commissions as commission artists rarely get to leave their tables to explore the convention hall.
  • Talk to them! Commission artists, especially if they’re alone, might get bored during the convention when they can’t really leave their table, so strike up a conversation with them if they’re not too busy!

4.Vendors Hall
Image result for anime convention photos

  • Careful when touching an object if allowed; Remember, you break it, you buy it!
  • Have your money ready before you buy so the transaction can go smoothly and quickly.
  • Feel free to haggle by a few dollars, especially on Sunday as that is the day that vendors start to pack up and might be lenient and give you a great deal on something you’ve been eyeing all weekend!
  • If they refuse to haggle, don’t push it. You might be lucky at another booth.
  • If you already have a bag and the item is not very big, tell the seller you don’t need a bag so you can save yourself the weight and them the bag.
  • Feel free to make small talk to the vendors too if they’re not too busy.

That’s all the tips I have today!! I hope these tips guide you well during a convention! Class dismissed!!

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Animazement 2015 Con Report


Now that Animazement 2015 has passed post con depression is now settling in. However, to get over this depression I look back on the memories made and the pictures and videos I took this weekend.This reminds me that even though this post con depression looms heavily over me I still had an amazing time!.Because Animazement is a 3 day convention not counting pre con I made one or more unforgettable memories that I would like to share with all of you so now I would like to go day by day and tell you what I had experienced!

Friday: Friday was one of my favorite days! This is because on this day I went to my first Japanese Rock Band Concert. The group performing is called Rookiez Is Punk’d (the band that also plays the opening song in durara) This group consisted of highly charismatic members that even with one look your heart would feel like it’s flying and that’s even before they actually started playing! Their music filled the whole exhibit hall and literally everyone was able to feel the music take over them (It was like being taken to another world!). Even though Most of the fans were meeting Rookiez Is Punk’d for the first time you couldn’t help feeling such a down to earth connection between the Band and the fans. By the end of the concert my hype was literally at its peak! The hour had gone by faster than I expected and my friend and I had not knowingly lost all our hearing for the day (whoops!) but in all honesty it was totally worth it!


Another thing that happened on Friday which made my feelings grow even more for the fandom loving community revolves around a hot dog. Yes I did just say hot dog. That day I had formed and interesting craving for Hot Dogs and started toward the closest hot dog stand, while in line I looked at the menu that they had and became extremely confused about what kind of hotdog I usually eat…Was it beef or was it Sausage? They both sounded great to me but I couldn’t decide till one of the congoers infront of me turned around and explained the difference to me and also gave me advice of which one was the best. When the congoer approached the hot dog stand they surprised me and said that they would pay for my hot dog since it was my first time trying it. I was surprised yet happy and that is something I will always remember ^~^

Saturday: Saturday is the day that many look forward to because thats the day that  you see the most cosplayers. (The more cosplayers the bigger builds you tend to see!) On Saturday I was able to get many pictures of different cosplays and geek out over characters that I loved from different anime shows and fandoms! Here are some amazing cosplayers that impressed me with their cosplays!!






Sunday: Once Sunday rolled in my Post con depression had already started to hit  me and I realized that I would have wait once again another year before I would see a lot of these amazing and creative people again. I wasn’t ready for the fun to end. On Sunday I went to a few panels, one which included a panel ran concert by AKB0048 cosplayers (I’m obsessed with AKB0048 so they only fueled my obsessesion xD). This panel was honestly one of my favorites because I’ve never been to a panel focused strictly on Idol anime and actually bring to life some of my favorite characters from the anime. I found out that the group running the panel the group had actually just formed recently and that they plan to make it a big thing to perform and compete at other conventions (you can find them on Facebook under the name of AKB Cuties and Fandames Initiative). Something I also discovered while being at that panel is how fun being a WOTA is. Now, I’m basically a noob at this because I only knew about WOTA from AKB0048 but in my definition “WOTA-ing” is sorta like sychronized exotic fast pace dancing that involves lights. As I watched the “WOTA’s” at the panel they all had a different speed and light color for each song that came on to support the AKB0048 members. It was really impressive and hard to not go along with it.Though I didn’t have lights like the professionals who had like High class lights, I joined in and by the end of the panel one of the pros came over to me and told me how impressed they were by me keeping up with them! I left the panel by having a red band around my head (one of the WOTA’s was wearing one that expressed their love for AKB0048). Now, I’m obsessed with the thought of WOTA xD.



Even though AZ has ended I am already preparing for next year when I get to see everyone again! The convention once again didn’t disappoint me and I would recommend this convention for anyone who would love to meet new people! It’s a great place for making new friends and expressing yourself! I did Vlog this convention and hope to have the video of it up soon! On my way home I put together the videos to make a preview video and you may find that at the bottom of this post! Everything will be posted to my YouTube channel called Alice Haruka soon! As always remember Stay Positive, Stay Healthy, Stay Creative!.

ps. Here is the link to the preview video~

Working on your last minute cosplays before the con is it worth it?

Ever have that moment where your just working on those last minute costumes and you feel like your at your limit and you can’t even do it anymore?  Your on the verge of tear’s your just about to give up but lets talk reality here you don’t need to give up.  Sit back relax take a long deep breath and think about it is it worth it or is it not.  And if you decided yes it was worth it then go at it try your hardest loose sleep, make that extra cup off coffee, just always make sure your having fun. If your not having fun stop and save it for another time.

I believe about 2 years ago for one of my local conventions I cosplayed as goddess Madoka and oh man I was in for ride.  I decided the night before the convention that I totally had to cosplay as madoka no if’s and’s or buts and guess what?  I cried, I literally cried in the process of sewing this costumes together but I pulled it off and it was worth it.  I can say that I loved that costume and so did so many others.  I have probably never gotten so many photo’s at a convention before.  For me it was was worth it will it be for you?

What to Bring to a Anime Convention

Anime Conventions are a busy time for everyone, especially for cosplayers who are scrounging for whatever bit of time they can get their hands on, rushing to finish their costume for the big day. Picture this – after snipping off the last thread, you bundle yourself into your car or try to fit onto public transport, then you arrive at the convention with a big smile… which is quickly dashed after realising you forgot to pack properly!

I’ve been in the same situation before which is why I meticulously check my to-bring list often before I leave. This article is here to help you stay organised and keep your worries from spreading further than your cosplay!

Here is a list I wrote for myself a while ago (customise it to suit your own needs!):

  • phone + charger
  • camera + charger + SD card (empty it out before the con or bring extras)
  • console (3DS, PS Vita, etc) + charger + games
  • money/wallet
  • con ticket/pass
  • things you may want con guests to sign
  • pencil case
  • transport ticket/pass
  • keys
  • food (lunch or snacks like muesli bars)
  • bottle of water
  • first aid kit (bandaids at the very least)
  • umbrella/raincoat
  • sanitary products
  • deodorant
  • spare socks
  • medication/painkillers
  • thread that matches your cosplay + needle
  • binder
  • makeup + remover
  • hot glue gun +sticks
  • superglue
  • lint roller
  • safety pins
  • wig caps
  • bobby pins/hair clips
  • insoles
  • hairspray/styling products
  • contacts + case + solution
  • scissors
  • wig styling scissors (if you’re cutting it really close! Haha!)
  • sewing kit
  • iron (there are mini ones you can purchase)

I prefer to write down repeats (like the chargers) instead of lumping them into one group as it’s easier to tick off.

If I’m bringing my cosplay and changing at the con, I find it helpful to write down every single component of it while looking at an official picture of the character (NOT doing it according to memory!)

Takakura Shouma meeting Penguin #2 in “Mawaru Penguindrum”

For example: wig, wig cap, shirt, tie, vest, blazer, trousers, belt, shoes, Penguin #2 plush, shoes (though normally I wear the shoes there so I usually won’t write it down)

The protagonist of “Persona 3”, known as Arisato Minato in the manga and Yuuki Makoto in the movies

For example: wig, wig cap, shirt, bow, blazer, binder, mp3, headphones, armband, belt, trousers, holster, holster belt, Evoker (the gun prop), tarot card

Ayanami Rei from “Neon Genesis Evangelion”

For example: wig, wig cap, contacts, shirt, bow, dress, black socks, white shoes, bag (when I cosplayed her, I made the dress in two parts so I also wrote down straps, skirt, safety pins)

Being extremely specific is the key!

Here is a great picture that put together:


Here’s another one from Crazy 4 Comic Con:

Visit their page for the full size:

Let us know in the comments what else you would put on the list! By the way, you can check out our tutorials on how to make Catwoman claws or Nezuko makeup. Take a look if you are interested!


Why People Don’t Like Your Cosplay?


ruby cosplay made and modeled by

Crescent Rose scythe made

I think this is a question many of have asked ourselves more times then we possibly should have.  Cosplay should be fun, cosplay should be accepting, cosplay should be so many positive things but sometimes there are just those bad apples, those little flaws, that end up scaring people away from such a wonderful hobby.There are so many reasons though sometimes people won’t like your costume because of the color of your skin, others won’t like it just because of your size, while others even believe that you should only cosplay characters that you resemble,even the cosplay photo locations. My personal opinion. cosplay whoever the heck you want.  I truly do believe though that the biggest reason why people don’t like a lot of your costumes is due to their own personal insecurities.  I have dealt with my share of this by having anonymous posts about me ranking on costumes that I spent hours, shed tears and blood into making and were so perfectly accurate but yet these people still made fun of me.  I used to be a skinner girl but due to life changes I actually gained a bit of weight and man have I heard so much from it.  Personally I don’t think my size should matter but some people say that I shouldn’t be cosplaying as anything due to being a tad bit overweight.  Yes it hurts my feelings, yes it makes me uncomfortable, discouraged and all the negative but will I stop?  NO, never stop what you love because of someone else.

I personally have a friend she is down in the photo who cosplays as a great version of yang from rwby and this costume is just absolutely amazing but she did at one point have someone try to insult her about it.  This person was running around telling lots of people that her costume wasn’t on point, it was extremely inaccurate and she didn’t look anything like the character and shouldn’t be cosplaying as yang. Her costume is so amazing though so why would anyone even dare to go about saying that you might be thinking. Well this leads me to the part where people get cruel when their insecure.

The person who actually went around talking so much about her costume, should have been more talking about themselves to be honest.Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against them everyone starts off somewhere and their a newbie. But I think he was very jealous and insecure since some of his costumes have some minor inaccuracy and he doesn’t resemble a lot of characters. In the end all in all I truly wish that this person would realize they don’t need to be insecure no one does.  The cosplay community is so welcoming and so nice.  Well at least the majority of it.  Of coarse you have those bad apples but people please just ignore them, have fun let them be sour sprouts.  I have totally met the best people I have ever met in my entire life through cosplay and anime conventions though.  I have met my best friend, who I love to death and I have also met my life partner through cosplay and can not wait to keep meeting and learning more.  I hope that this topic will inspire you who has read this to go out there and cosplay whoever and whatever you love and meet new people.  Always be careful but have so much fun, we only live once make the best of it through your passion, and I defiantly know that cosplay is mine.

Happy cosplaying to all!



Yang cosplay made and modeled by