Sponsor contest in Dec. will be launched at this Thursday (December 1). Whatever vocation you are engaged in and wherever you live, just join in this contest, once you are fond of cosplay. Two winners (As a lot of people participate in this contest, we will increase the number of winners to be three. Good luck, everybody :D!) will be born at last, who can choose any one from those ten Naruto costumes.
See the Prizes. Naruto cosplay is the theme for sponsor contest in December. So, ten Naruto costumes are picked out as prizes for winners. Click each of them to go to the product page, where detailed information about the costume can be seen. Each winner can choose any ONE from these costumes.
About this Contest:
- Rules and Details:
- How to Join?
- How to Win?
- Check Out All the Participants
- Check Out the Winners
- FAQs
a. The contest will be held during 1-20 Dec. You can apply for joining in from 1-15 and the result will be announced at 20 in this post. Anybody is welcomed to join in our contest. We will ship the costume worldwide.
b. To join in, you will need to download a form ( xls format, Word format, PDF format ) and fill it in. In the form, your basic information and some cosplay photos are needed. And referring to your cosplay photos, since this is a contest, you are expected to send us pictures featuring only you. And they must be related to Naruto cosplay.
c. With information you send to us, we will make a post for each participant at our blog. So, everybody can vote for you by facebook LIKE, Google + and twitting the post.
d. Facebook Likes, Twitts and Google+ will be added up as votes finally. Cosplayers who obtain the highest votes will be winners. Winners will be informed once the result is announced to choose their desirable costumes.
a. Download this application form ( xls format, Word format, PDF format ) and fill it in. Detailed guideline on how to fill the form can be seen in the form directly. Send the finished form to miccostume[@]gmail.com (remove the “[]” while sending your email), with the title of “sponsor application form”. You will receive a verification email from us within one working day.
b. We will make a post, with information you provide, at our blog and email you the link to see it.
c. Everybody can vote for you now, at the post we made for you. Votes you gain at Facebook, Twitter and Google+ will be added up finally.
d. Winners will be sponsored with a free costume, listed at our sponsor page.
a. Ask help from friends: Since people, obtaining the highest votes, will be winners finally, you can mobilize your friends to vote for you. Before, we had made a post, discussing how to win out easily. Click here to see detailed rules.
PS: Extra 10 votes were given to each article as what that article implies. But in December, extra 1 vote will be given to each article. And each participant can only get 5 extra votes at most. This aims to make the contest absolutely fair, because some participants may not have Facebook or other social blogs at all. Your understanding will be appreciated by us :D!
b. Get bonus from us:
- Participant, who take a photo with this placard and send the photo to us, will receive another extra 10 votes. But just make sure your face can be seen in the picture. So we will know who you are. Here’s an example below:
- Once you or your friends can help you & us prompt our site and this contest at any site you or they have, extra 5 votes (Now, Not 5, But 1 Vote) can be added for you. And these extra votes can be accumulated. But different articles on the same site will be given only 1 vote. Just make sure to send us the links via email when the articles are up! Each participant will receive 5 extra votes by his/her articles at most.
PS. An article posted at a new site or account you register just now won’t be given extra votes. So, just make sure to post the article at a site you or your friends have operated for some time.
See All Participants in this Contest Here!
Q: How should I do if I can’t download your application form?
A: just send us these required information about you: name, gender, nationality, Facebook, Twitter, Deviantart, Flickr, Youtube, any other personal blog, your most satisfactory photos (no more than 5 please), your self-introduction and the interview with you. Except sending us your photos, you are expected to make a simple description for them. It’s better to cover the name for the anime and the cartoon character in the description. You will be invited to introduce yourself and make an interview here. The self-introduction and interview will be published at our blog, as an independent article for you. This makes sense on each participant. Later, anybody will be able to vote for you via this article too. So, here are the questions for interviews:
a. Which costume listed as prizes do you most want?
b. Are you often photographed? Since many cosplayer (especially beginners) feel nervous or unnatural while facing the lens, would you like to sharing us some experience or skills here?
c. Is there any cosplay plan you are rather interested in yet not able to do it due to some reasons? And what is your next plan?
Q: Why haven’t I received the confirmation email from you?
A: after sending the email, make sure to check whether your email has been sent successfully. Our email address is miccostume[@]gmail.com. Each participant will receive an email from us.
Q: How can people vote for me?
A: as above words imply, we will post an article at our blog, introducing each of you. After the article is published, we will email you the link. Anybody can vote for you there, via Facebook, Twitter and Google + listed below the article.
Q: Can I get some extra votes by other ways?
A: Yes, you can. We do feel grateful for participants who are willing to help us prompt this contest or our site at any site. So, just make full use of social resources you and your friends have. As long as you can post an article on any site, with one or several hyperlinks included, you will get extra 5 votes (Now, Not 5, But 1 Vote). These votes can be accumulated. So, the more sites you post, the more votes you will receive. However, different articles on the same site will be given with only 1 vote and each contestant will receive at most 5 extra votes.
Q: How can I let you know I have done something to get extra votes?
A: After posting an article anywhere or making a video, just send us the link, also to miccostume[@]gmail.com. You are suggested to use the same email address to contact us, avoiding any possible mistake. After checking the link, we will add votes for you.
Q: Why aren’t extra votes shown at the article page for me?
A: Yes, these extra votes won’t be shown at the blog post page we made for you. They will be recorded and added before the winners are announced at 20th. Of sure, everybody will know how many votes they have gotten, because we will reply to you after receiving links for articles posted by you. Any problem, you can contact us that time.
Q: Who will be the judge? And how can I know the current situation of the contest?
A: yes, anybody in the world will be the judge! Participants, obtaining the highest votes will be winners. Two of you will be picked out and announced 20th. So, votes you get at Facebook, Twitter and Google + will be added up finally. To make you informed of the latest situation of the contest, we will post an article per week, listing three participants who rowing over at present at our blog. Just attention.
Q: Are those 10 costumes listed above are all for winners? Can I choose another one in your store?
A: We are sorry to tell you that you can only choose your prize among these 10 costumes we picked out. But different themes will be held in future months. So, you may be interested in keeping updated with our sponsor contests later.
Q: Do you also sponsor the wig together with the relevant costume?
A: Sorry, we just offer the costume. If you also want the wig or shoes for the cartoon character, you can order it at our site.
Q: Do I need to place an order at your site while choosing my prize costume?
A: No, you don’t have to. We will contact two winners once the result is announced. Just keep in touch with us there.
Q: Can I join in your contest time and again?
A: It will be a big pleasure for us since you are willing to join in. But we do hope winners can give more chances to others. So, except winners, everybody can join anytime once you want.
Note: If you are a newbie for cosplay contest, just check the “How to Win the Cosplay Sponsor Contest” ppt below:
I just sent my application in! Hope to hear back from you guys soon! 😀
Welcome Mikay ~~~U re the first!
I’ve got two Naruto costumes, both of the same character, so I think I’ll be joining this thing. I do have a question though…I only made one of the two cosplays; the other was bought. Am I allowed to enter the one that I didn’t make?
sure, this contest is open, just focus in naruto cosplay ~
Second question: Are the winnings transferable?
Yes, of course. We can send the costume to whoever you want, as long as you are one of the winners! 🙂
Do you have to cosplay different characters if you have more than one photo? 🙂
no , you dont need ~
hey! how long does it take to have your entry reviewed ? how long does it take to be posted? Im anxious to be in the contest but i havent heard back about my entry.
Hi, Aj, We will update your contest post in Monday~
Okay thanks!