Winners of 2015 Conventions Reporters Program


In our last cosplay contest, there are more 12 cosplayers join in our 2015 Conventions Reporters Program , today this is our final winner list, congratulate all of the winners, every winner will be sponsored by for costumes/wigs, and also will be shown at more than 50 anime/game conventions worldwide, amazing!!

1. Alice : Our blog Author

Convention list:

2.Kitty: Our blog Author

Convention list:

3.Bianca : One of our sponsor cosplayers from Germany

Convention list:

4.Jiao Jiao:Cosplayers from Canada

5.Evel Fett : Life cosplayer from USA 🙂

Convention list:

6.Tina : KIG & Mom cosplayer from Germnay

7.Mable : Cosplayer and film student .

8.Sasha and Lisa : Close friends,cosplayers from Germany

Dani:Famous cosplayers from Italy

10.Rose : Lovely cosplayer from USA

  • Zenkaikon:March 27th-29th in PA
  • Tanoshiicon:April 25th in PA
  • Animazement:May 22nd-24th in NC
  • AnimeNext:June 12th-14th in NJ (Work with the Japanese and American guests)
  • Otakon:July 24th-26th in MD
  • Saikoucon:28th-30th in PA
  • TAKII:Date to be determined, usually mid to late November in PA
  • Derpycon: December 4th-6th in NJ

There will be more cosplay contest or program in our blog, so if you are interested in join in our program, please follow our twitter or facebook page.


Co-Founder of,love Cosplay,Anime,Game,Hiking,Running,Board Game,Poker!

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