Now, most of us has seen at least one Studio Ghibli movie and one of my favorites is “Spirited Away”. And, one of my favorite characters is No Face. No face is a spirit that becomes infatuated with the main character Chihiro and as he follows her around the bath house he starts offering her Bath tokens as a ‘Thank you’ and nice gesture toward her, which I find very sweet (I mean who could say no to that face *pun intended*). So because No face is my favorite character I shall be cosplaying a Human version of No face this year at Animazement 2015. And for a prop for No Face I’ll be making the bath tokens, which I will also show you how to make it below.
First things first, you’ll need materials:
- Air dry Clay (this can also be substituted with Polymer clay)
- All Purpose Acrylic Paint
- Mod Podge (You don’t need this but it helps give your tokens a shine)
- 2 brushes
- Sculpting tools
- For Polymer Clay:
- Colors: Red, Black and Yellow