Title: G-Anime 2012
Location: Palais des congrès de Gatineau, Gatineau, QC
G-Anime is an annual weekend anime convention held in Gatineau, QC, Canada at the Palais des congrès de Gatineau. Run and organized by La Société d’Animation Japonaise de Gatineau (SAJG), G-Anime caters to anime fans from the National Capital Region of Canada by offering events, attractions and activities such as a dealers room and an artists alley, anime screenings and a manga library, panels and workshops, AMV contests, game shows, cosplay events (Masquerade, Cosplay Chess, Fashion Show, etc), and video games stations.
Official Site: http://ganime.ca/
Start Date: 2012-01-27
End Date: 2012-01-29
Note: Right now we are looking for authors to cover cons live worldwide, so if you can attend different cons in your country or worldwide, please contact us for partnership and sponsorship.