Lottery Winners List Announced!

Lucky Draw

Customers who share us their pictures or videos, with what they bought from us worn, will get 5% refundment on their payment and also another 10% discount on their next order. Except this, they can join in our lucky draw activity. Winners will get a 100% refundment of their payment! So, you can upload your picture or video to the gallery on our site or any other social network site you have. For detailed rules, just click here.

We draw a lottery on 15th of every month at Three winners (order number 1311116, 1311249 and 1311270) in August have been announced on our site. You can check it here. Congratulations :D.


I’m also a devotee for cosplay. To do well in this performance art, I’m interested in hunting for funny, gorgeous or fantastic pictures. From these breathtaking works and interviews done by cosplay talents, I always get inspired.