Hetalia Fanart Contest – Natsu (Ilaria Ester)


Axis Powers Hetalia Fanart Contest

Artist Bio:
Name : Natsu (Ilaria Ester)
Gender : Female
Nationality: Italian
Social Networks: Devianart

Hello everyone! I’m Nat and I live in Italy. I discovered Hetalia in 2009, when most of the characters weren’t even been created! I loved the way Hetalia can make history something fun, even if I hate when people say Hetalia IS history. My favorite characters are Denmark, Iceland, Holland, Monaco, America, Hong Kong and Taiwan. I made a lot of Hetalia cosplay, the first one was China, three years ago. Then Taiwan, America (in three different versions), Denmark, Monaco (Gakuen Hetalia), Seychelles, Ukraine.
I’m extremely sad Hetalia fandom went worsening within the years.


Let’s enjoy Fanarts of Natsu’s!

1. Japan/Kiku Honda

Japan/Kiku Honda
Comments from the artist: I made this draw for my finals, when I presented “Japan’s modernization and its trade relation with the West” as main theme. I wanted to show the kind and traditionalist Japan, and to the opposite his ‘war-side’. When I put a texture with photoshop, I accidentally covered the atomic mushroom I drawed between war-Japan and kimono-Japan and, in the upper part, the Pearl Harbour’s attack. I made this with a Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen & Touch tablet, on SAI and then modified it with Photoshop

2. Denmark, Iceland and Norway

Denmark, Iceland and Norway
Comments from the artist: Isn’t strange finding three out of five nordic nation with swimsuit, around a pool? XD Summer comes even for them! I made this as prize for the Hetalia Quiz we held at out Hetalia Day. I made this with a Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen & Touch tablet, on SAI

3. America and England

America and England
Comments from the artist: I find this date so melancholic, for England. I wanted do draw something for America’s birthday but it just turned out in this random and saddish thing XDD I made this with a Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen & Touch tablet, on SAI

4. Denmark

Comments from the artist: As you see, I really love Denmark. I find him very sexy so I drawed him in this sensual pose XD I made this with a Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen & Touch tablet, on SAI

5. Hong Kong and male!Taiwan

Hong Kong and male!Taiwan
Comments from the artist: I love them togheter, as brothers or as lovers, as in genderbend or not. Even if Hong Kong is such a sulker, I think Taiwan is the only one who can manage to softer him~. I made this with a Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen & Touch tablet, on SAI

Click here to join in or see the rules of this contest!

See Prizes First :D! Each winner can choose any costume listed below. Besides, each participant will get 10% of coupon code which can be used when you purchase in our store.

Hetalia Axis Powers America Cosplay CostumeHetalia Axis Powers England Cosplay CostumeBlue Hetalia Axis Powers France Cosplay CostumeHetalia Axis Powers Norway Cosplay CostumeHetalia Axis Powers Russia Cosplay CostumeAxis Powers Hetalia Antonio cosplay CostumeHetalia Axis Powers Germany Blue Cosplay CostumeHetalia Axis Powers Italy Cosplay CostumeAxis Powers Hetalia Sealand Cosplay CostumeAxis Powers Hetalia Japan Cosplay Costume

Check Out All the Participants:
Kathy Chan Loes WenemoserLoes WenemoserGentiana Hime (Gracjana Kasperkiewicz)Nicky YangSweetYamaneChanMintyPandaItalianPastaTerumi Hosoda