Daily Cosplay – Star Driver Kanako Watanabe Cosplay

Star Driver Kanako Watanabe Cosplay

Black leather costume and red high heels flatter her sex appeal to the fullest. This is Ohcandu, an Argentine girl. What you see here is her Star Driver Kanako Watanabe cosplay. It’s stunning, right? This girl is rather interested in games like Resident Evil, Fatal Frame, Sillent Hill etc. Zombieland is her favorite movie. In her gallery, lots of breathtaking cosplay works are found. Pay there a visit now?

Daily Cosplay – Kuroshitsuji Doll Cosplay

Kuroshitsuji Doll Cosplay1

Astellecia comes from Singapore. Above picture shows her Kuroshitsuji Doll cosplay. I do feel curious about how many people are fascinated about her look :D. She seems irresistibly graceful here with the white dress. Exquisite umbrella in white and pretty hair accessory are both great toners for her entire appearance. Astellecia is also interested in drawing, singing and cosplay. Visit her gallery to see more works.

Daily Cosplay – The Legend of Dragoon Meru Cosplay

The Legend of Dragoon Meru Cosplay

If you are hunting for some inspirations for your own cosplay performance, you won’t feel regretful about your visit to this blog. Today, vivid The Legend of Dragoon Meru cosplay is found by us. It’s done by the American cosplay talent, who is known as Dessi-Desu at deviantart.com. In her words, she is rather interested in cosplay, drawing and painting. I do think the light blue hair or wig makes her seem so great here. How do you think? To know more about her, just keep updated with what’s shared here :D.

Daily Cosplay – Mirai Nikki Yuno Cosplay

Mirai Nikki Yuno Cosplay

If you keep updated with what’s shared here, you must know this is the third time when we introduce a breathtaking cosplay work from this gifted cosplay girl. She is known as Korixxkairi at Deviantart.com, coming from Thailand. Above picture shows her Mirai Nikki Yuno cosplay (I browsed through her gallery and did feel difficult to pick out the best one. All of them seem so great :D). Except being faithful to the imaginary look, she is irresistibly appealing here. If permitted, we will let you know more about this pretty girl!

Daily Cosplay – Granado Espada Wizard Cosplay

Granado Espada Wizard Cosplay

Will you also applaud for her performance? This is Yayacosplay – a cosplay genius from United States. Above picture shows her Granado Espada Wizard cosplay. Except this one, I’m rather fascinated with her Ame-Comi Wonder Woman (the preview look). Pay her Deviantart page a visit to see those stunning works. This girl is interested in art, ancient culture, cosplay, costume design, sewing etc. If possible, we will help you know more about her :D.