Daily Cosplay – Mirai Nikki Yuno Cosplay

Mirai Nikki Yuno Cosplay

If you keep updated with what’s shared here, you must know this is the third time when we introduce a breathtaking cosplay work from this gifted cosplay girl. She is known as Korixxkairi at Deviantart.com, coming from Thailand. Above picture shows her Mirai Nikki Yuno cosplay (I browsed through her gallery and did feel difficult to pick out the best one. All of them seem so great :D). Except being faithful to the imaginary look, she is irresistibly appealing here. If permitted, we will let you know more about this pretty girl!


I’m also a devotee for cosplay. To do well in this performance art, I’m interested in hunting for funny, gorgeous or fantastic pictures. From these breathtaking works and interviews done by cosplay talents, I always get inspired.