Black Butler Cosplay Contest – #69 Sky

Cosplayer Bio:

Name: Sky/Male /Vietnam

Social Networks:
Character: Ciel Phantomhive

Comments from the cosplayer:

Me in Ciel costume from Kuroshitsuji

I never thought I would cosplay Ciel because i’m too old for him, but I did anyway ( because I love him too much) and was somewhat happy with how the pictures turn out to be. Thank you for looking at my entry, and if you like it, please vote for me πŸ™‚
This post is submitted by Sky, entered in the Black Butler Cosplay Contest hosted by
Winners and Prizes of the Contest:
One winner will be chosen out from every 15 contestants.
  1. First Prize: any costume from our Black Butler costume catalog
  2. Second Prize: any wig from our Black Butler wig catalog
  3. Third Prize: $20 Cash Coupon
  4. Winners after third will all get $15 Cash Coupons

The voting process:

  1. You can vote for the cosplayer by Facebook likes and Google Pluses. Each Facebook like or Google Plus will be counted as one score.
  2. In addition, the organizer acts as another judge. We will govern some votes and vote for the top 20 contestants. I.e., the best entry (in our opinion) will get additional 20 scores, the second will get 19, third 18, and so on.
Read this post for more details about the rules and how to join.

Black Butler Cosplay Contest – #68 JD Lynch

Cosplayer Bio:

Name: JD Lynch/Male/Australian

Social Networks:

Character: Sebastian Michaelis

Comments from the cosplayer:

I am 18 years old, come from Perth, Western Australia and I love Kuroshitsuji/ Black Butler, I am cosplaying my favourite character, Sebastian Michaelis.
I made the entire costume myself with the exception of the wig.

The first photo was taken at my house, the night before an Anime Convention.
The Second photo was taken at Supanova, Perth on Sunday the 24th of June.

This post is submitted by JD Lynch, entered in the Black Butler Cosplay Contest hosted by
Winners and Prizes of the Contest:
One winner will be chosen out from every 15 contestants.
  1. First Prize: any costume from our Black Butler costume catalog
  2. Second Prize: any wig from our Black Butler wig catalog
  3. Third Prize: $20 Cash Coupon
  4. Winners after third will all get $15 Cash Coupons

The voting process:

  1. You can vote for the cosplayer by Facebook likes and Google Pluses. Each Facebook like or Google Plus will be counted as one score.
  2. In addition, the organizer acts as another judge. We will govern some votes and vote for the top 20 contestants. I.e., the best entry (in our opinion) will get additional 20 scores, the second will get 19, third 18, and so on.
Read this post for more details about the rules and how to join.

Black Butler Cosplay Contest – #67 Cain

Cosplayer Bio:

Name: Cain
Character: Ciel Phantomhive

Comments from the cosplayer:

My cosplay is of Ciel Phantomhive in his red suit. These photos were taken in a studio, by Becca Jones Photography.

I loved this outfit from the moment I saw it, and I hadn’t noticed many people cosplaying this version before. This costume took me about a week straight to make and then another week later to fix all the things I didn’t like about it at first. My boots are my favorite things ever. ^_^

This post is submitted by Cain, entered in the Black Butler Cosplay Contest hosted by
Winners and Prizes of the Contest:
One winner will be chosen out from every 15 contestants.
  1. First Prize: any costume from our Black Butler costume catalog
  2. Second Prize: any wig from our Black Butler wig catalog
  3. Third Prize: $20 Cash Coupon
  4. Winners after third will all get $15 Cash Coupons

The voting process:

  1. You can vote for the cosplayer by Facebook likes and Google Pluses. Each Facebook like or Google Plus will be counted as one score.
  2. In addition, the organizer acts as another judge. We will govern some votes and vote for the top 20 contestants. I.e., the best entry (in our opinion) will get additional 20 scores, the second will get 19, third 18, and so on.
Read this post for more details about the rules and how to join.

Black Butler Cosplay Contest – #66 Hege Petrogalli

Cosplayer Bio:

Name: Hege Petrogalli/Female/Norwegian

Social Networks:,

Character: Drocell

Comments from the cosplayer:

I cosplayed Drocell with my Cosplay group at Desucon last year, Desucon being the biggest anime con in Norway. Drocell is one of my favorite villans in Kuro, and I had tons of fun going up to allthe pretty girls, stroking their cheeks and singing London bridge is falling down… I actually got a Lizzy to cry and hide behind Ciel begging him to save her.

In the future I am thinking of cosplaying Soma, just because he is one of the funniest people I have seen.

So yeah, I hope I do well in the contest *crosses fingers*

This post is submitted by Hege Petrogalli, entered in the Black Butler Cosplay Contest hosted by
Winners and Prizes of the Contest:
One winner will be chosen out from every 15 contestants.
  1. First Prize: any costume from our Black Butler costume catalog
  2. Second Prize: any wig from our Black Butler wig catalog
  3. Third Prize: $20 Cash Coupon
  4. Winners after third will all get $15 Cash Coupons

The voting process:

  1. You can vote for the cosplayer by Facebook likes and Google Pluses. Each Facebook like or Google Plus will be counted as one score.
  2. In addition, the organizer acts as another judge. We will govern some votes and vote for the top 20 contestants. I.e., the best entry (in our opinion) will get additional 20 scores, the second will get 19, third 18, and so on.
Read this post for more details about the rules and how to join.

Black Butler Cosplay Contest – #65 Shealyn Combs

Cosplayer Bio:

Name: shealyn combs/female

Social Networks: facebook and deviantart
Character: ciel phantomhive

this was a photo i took while i was in a well semi mad hatter mood. it was a part of a 5AM head shot photoshoot for my ciel cosplay.

this photo was also a part of the 5AM headshot photoshoot for my ciel cosplay.

this is another photo taken during the ciel phantomhive headshot photoshoot. this is one of my favorite photos by far.

this is a sweeter picture of ciel phantomhive. also its another picture from out ciel headshot shoot XD

Comments from the cosplayer:

my name is shealyn combs. my cosplay name is ve-twin. i goto alot of conventions on florida i live in a small town with nothing to do XD
cosplaying kuroshisuji/black butler is ALWAYS FUN. one time in walmart i was walking and this women had asked me if i had won the lottery because i looked so fancy!
my cosplay is ciel phantomhive. black butler is one of my favorite shows of all time. its a great anime. i would LOVE to expand my black butler cosplays but money is slightly tight so buying new cosplays is sometimes hard. and i NEVER have the tiem to make them. i have won alot of contests at cons with my ciel cosplay but this is my first online contest.

This post is submitted by Shealyn Combs, entered in the Black Butler Cosplay Contest hosted by
Winners and Prizes of the Contest:
One winner will be chosen out from every 15 contestants.
  1. First Prize: any costume from our Black Butler costume catalog
  2. Second Prize: any wig from our Black Butler wig catalog
  3. Third Prize: $20 Cash Coupon
  4. Winners after third will all get $15 Cash Coupons

The voting process:

  1. You can vote for the cosplayer by Facebook likes and Google Pluses. Each Facebook like or Google Plus will be counted as one score.
  2. In addition, the organizer acts as another judge. We will govern some votes and vote for the top 20 contestants. I.e., the best entry (in our opinion) will get additional 20 scores, the second will get 19, third 18, and so on.
Read this post for more details about the rules and how to join.