Lots of excellent cosplayers have shared something helpful with us, especially with cosplay freshmen. Today, Laura also joined in. Living in Brisbane, Australia, she has a wide interest on J-rock, anime, collecting, photography, etc. Kaori Yuki is her favorite artist and games she likes include Soul Caliber III, Dance Dance Revolation and Para Para Paradise. You can also visit her at here. Now, take a look at her interview content below.
1. Please introduce yourself first.
Hello! My name is Laura and I’m a cosplayer from Australia! I enjoy long walks on the beach, romantic dinners, violent and hilarious fight scenes and ridiculous costumes that I will someday regret.
2. What does cosplay mean to you?
That’s a hard question! For me, it’s perhaps best described as a challenge, to recreate my favorite characters and designs.
3. What and when was your first cosplay?
My first cosplay was Hatsune Miku in 2009. I’d chosen to cosplay her just as her popularity took off and got mobbed at a convention by photographers. Thankfully one can now cosplay as Miku and be fairly ignored.
4. What is your most memorable cosplay experience?
In August 2010 I cosplayed in Singapore for the first time. I did a somewhat casual Sheryl Nome outfit. I got lucky and was in the country in time for the Youth Olympics as such there was a lot of lighting drills going on. On the night we shot I was stood out in the middle of a pier, wearing a VERY short dress and obscene heels, there was lights flashing all around me and a live outdoor concert for the band BEAST playing behind me. The lights, the outfit the music, in that moment I felt like Sheryl Nome.
5. What’s your favorite photo shoot?
My favorite shoot was the shoot for Sheryl Nome’s Obelisk outfit. I did that shoot in Singapore with the wonderful Shiroang. We spent the whole day shooting with him, talking, fooling around and running from the rain. It was a very relaxed and fun shoot and I enjoyed it so much! Honestly Most of my shoots are great fun.
6. There’re many of your pictures are Miku and Sheryl Nome cosplay. You must have a crush on them! ^^ Why?
For Miku, it’s her huge range of outfits. She’s gotten everything from awesome, to pretty, cute to downright stupid. It’s wonderful! Sheryl also has a lot of amazing outfits and I really like how womanly she is.
7. Any cosplay plan in future?
Lots of plans! Too many plans! My current plans are to do Siesta 00 (Umineko no Naku Koro ni) and Bellatrix from Harry Potter.
8. Do you make your costumes yourself or buy them?
I do both depending on my time and budget. To buy costumes always needs a lot of work to make them fit nicely and often need details replacing but the bulk of the work is done which is handy when you work full time like I do. I make costumes when I’ve got either lots of time or absolutely no time left and need it in a hurry.
9. Any other cosplayers you like?
I’m a huge fan of queencattabby. She makes stunning designs and her performance on stage is amazing to watch!
10. Do some changes happen to you after cosplay?
Cosplay is a bit of a niche hobby that not everyone goes along with or knows about. Costumes are often outlandish and stand out, after a while you just get more confident.
11. Any advice you wanna share with cosplay newbies?
I still consider myself a newbie to be honest. I guess though I would recommend not to stretch yourself too thin. Don’t agree to do cosplays with people unless you 100% intend to, can afford it and can get it done in time. It’s not fair to the other people who put in the effort only for you to not do it. It’s also stressful so know your limits. Also carry a small sewing kit, safety pins and super glue to every convention.