Axis Powers Hetalia Fanart Contest
Artist Bio:
Name : Gentiana Hime (Gracjana Kasperkiewicz)
Gender : Female
Nationality: Polish
Social Networks: Devianart, Facebook
Hello! I’m living in Germany, but I am of Polish decent. I’m a fanartist since the age of thirteen. When I stumbled upon Hetalia, I was really glad to find a manga dealing with different countries interacting with each other as I’ve never seen something like this before! My favourite characters are Russia, Prussia, Germany, France, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Iceland and Finland. Also, I like the genderbend ‘Nyotalia’ versions of the nations as well as creating own characters from countries which didn’t show up in canon yet.
Let’s enjoy Fanarts of Gentiana’s!
1. Sweden/Finland
Comments from the artist: I really enjoy drawing pairings, and Sweden/Finland is one of my favourite. So, have some medieval dressed Finland and Sweden surrounded by the most typical thing for Northern Europe- snow! Coloured with watercolors.
2. Japan/Taiwan
Comments from the artist: Another favourite pairing of mine is Japan/Taiwan. Even though they hadn’t much interaction in the manga yet, I still think they’re cute together! Drawn with a Bambbo tablet in Photoshop.
3. Greece
Comments from the artist: Mostly song inspired, I came up with a slight thoughtful fanart of Greece. I hope I captured the scenery well, and of course, there is one of Greece’s numberous cats! Drawn in Photoshop.
4. Romania
Comments from the artist: As soon as Romania had his first appearance, I wanted to draw him so badly and I am quite content with what came out. Drawn in Photoshop.
5. Russia/Prussia
Comments from the artist: Last but not least my absolute favourite pairing, Russia/Prussia, but this time with the Nytolia version of Prussia. I think they are perfect for each other, I should definitely draw more of them! Drawn in SAI
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