Hiya everyone! I’m sorry I haven’t posted in awhile >.< forgive me please? School has been a lot these past few weeks, but that should be no excuse! However, now I have everything settled and I can do more for all of you 😀 yaaaaaay! Anyways, today I’m going to do a tutorial on ‘Rose Quartz‘ star gem from Steven Universe. If many of you do not know ‘Rose Quartz’ She is the mother of the main character Steven in the show ‘Steven Universe’ and also the former leader of the Crystal Gems who protect earth and other worlds from evil and corruption. If you haven’t watched the show Steven Universe I highly ,( and I emphasize highly) recommend watching it and also exploring many of the other Crystal gems that are great for Cosplaying! I chose Rose Quartz because when she was first introduced I was immediately captivated by her beauty and I love her background story on how she came to earth and how it led to Steven being who he is today 🙂
Now, before we can get started here is what you’ll need!:
- Heat Gun
- Craft Foam (Red, Yellow, Pink if you choose to not paint)
- Paper
- Marker
- Hot glue Gun
- Paint ( Preferably red, yellow and pink)
- Scissor or Exacto Knife
- Some type of solid wood/Plastic area (This is for when you use the heat gun)
- Mod Podge
- Paint Brushes