It won’t be difficult to make some small accessories for your cosplay appearance, especially when you keep updated with cosplay tutorials shared at the official blog for :D. Here are some useful tips, teaching us how to make the bow for Rin Kagamine cosplay. It’s created by Nayori. This is an American girl, showing us lots of appealing cosplay works in her gallery. I especially love her Yukata cosplay (*^__^*). Thanks very much, Nayori.
Tag: Rin Kagamine
How to Make Kagamine Rin Meltdown Guitar?
With the skyrocketing popularity of Vocaloid, an increasing number of cosplay fanatics are trying to make Kagamine Rin’s costume, wig and guitar personally. Today we would like to share Kagamine Rin guitar tutorial with you.
Step1. Make the guitar body and tail from paperboard.
Step2. Cut above paperboard to look like this.
Step3. Cut two handle bars from the paperboard.
Step4. Cut a hole in the middle of above round board. Then stick all of these boards by latex. Pay attention to here: items with some thickness should be used in the middle of boards to make the prop plump.
Step5. Stick a small round paperboard and three fanshaped paperboards in the middle hole.
Step6. Make two pieces boards like this.
Step7. Draw above shape on paper and cut it off. Put it on EVA board and cut it off.
Step8. Stick the tailored EVA board on the shell of guitar.
Step9. Cut the tail from an EVA board.
Step10. Cut a slim EVA bar and stick it on the tail of guitar.
Step11. Cut the EVA board into slim bars and stick them on the guitar.
Step12. Cut 12 pieces of paperboards like these and stick them on the tail of guitar.
Step13. Stick those boards onto the guitar head. The color seems too shining, XD.
Step14. Cut EVA board into the strips and stick them around the center.
Step15. Cut a headstock shape for the guitar.
Step16. Cut several diamonds and stick them around the guitar body.
Step17. Have a look at the semi-finished guitar.
Step18. Seal the side by paper and make handle knobs. First color the guitar by black propylene. Then paint the gold part. (Spray paint is used here. So it looks like this.)
Step19. Kagamine Rin Guitar guitar has been finished.
Does it look like a real guitar? Since you want to make a Kagamine Rin guitar personally, why not prepare the materials and start your journey right now?
Daily Cosplay-Vocaloid Rin Kagamine Cosplay
Here is another German girl, MikiMikuLeek, who is still in school and busy with her arts intensive course, yet feel obsessed with cosplay. Picture above is her Vocaloid Rin Kagamine cosplay. Stunning! XD. For more information about her, you can visit her Deviantart or Youtube.