This is a day when we are fortunate, because we find Seranaide. This is a girl, being only 16 years old. But cosplay works created by her do seem irresistibly exotic and appealing. Above picture shows her Alichino Myobi cosplay. I don’t know how you feel about it. But I was surprised from the first glimpse. First, white hair ideally flatters her white complexion. Dark eyes are exactly finishing touches on her exquisite appearance. Red flowers on the head are faithful to the original manga look. They do make the cosplay girl seem more elegant. For sure, the gorgeous red cosplay costume is the biggest toner on her stunning look. Except this cosplay, Seranaide also shows us many other great cosplay pictures in her gallery. Considering cosplay as an important matter for her, she has strong interest in many cartoon characters. For more information about her or to see more cosplay works done by her, just pay a visit to her DA page now.