Kony 2012, a film created by Invisible Children, aims to bring Joseph Kony to justice in 2012. The film has been viewed by millions of people on internet since it was released on March 5, 2012. You may already know Joseph Kony, who is the world’s worst war criminal. He is the leader of the lord’s resistance army (LRA), which earned a reputation for its cruel and brutal tactics.
Here you can support “Kony 2012” with Miccostumes.com. Everybody can join in. Each participant will be given a 5% coupon code for their purchase at Miccostumes.com. Besides, one will be drawn out every month to get $60 gift card.
How to Join?
1. Take a photo with the Kony 2012 picture, as this one below:
2. Share the photo, together with your thoughts about Kony 2012 on your facebook, twitter, blog or other personal sites. (If you do not have facebook, twitter or site, you can send the photo to our email – miccostume[@]gmail.com (remove the “[]” while sending your email), with the title of “Support Kony 2012 with Miccostumes.com”, please tell us your name in the email, thank you.)
3. Sign in at our forum
Reply this post in our forum (of course, you have to register first 🙂 ) with your name and the link of the site where you share the photo. (For participants who send us the photo to our email, please also leave a comment by telling us your name.)
Prize for the Participants
One will be drawn out every month to get $60 gift card. Besides, each participant will be given a 5% coupon code for their purchase at Miccostumes.com.
If you have any questions or suggestions, do comment below or send us an email at miccostume[at]gmail.com.