Cosplayer Bio
Name: Giada Robin (Giada Pancaccini)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Italy
Socail Network:
My name is Giada Robin (Giada Pancaccini), I’m an Italian Alternative Model and Cosplay Performer since 2008. My first cosplay was my favorite character, Nico Robin from One Piece…that is why I became “Giada Robin”.
Now I’m studying to became archaeologist and travel around the world, archiving my dream of ever!
Giada’s Naruto Cosplays!
1. Character: Orochimaru
Photographer: Noriyuki Wakabayashi. This is my first male cosplay costume and my favorite evil character ever! I took only 3 days to make the costume and other 2 days to make the purple rope around the waist. The most difficult part of the preparation was the make-up, but I’m satisfied of the results. I had so much fun watching people faces totaly scared XD
2. Character: Kurenai Yuhi
Photographer: Noriyuki Wakabayashi. The first convention I attended with this costume was “Romics 2009” , where I made group with some Naruto cosplayers. This old picture is taken from one of my first private photo-set as cosplayer. I was really new to cosplay, infact I though to use my real hair for each characters instead of wearing a wig (yeah, those are my natural hair XD).
3. Character: Itachi
Comment: Photographer: Diego Giusti. I wore this costume to take part in a special photo-set.
Here’s an simple interview:
Q: Which Naruto costume listed as prizes do you most want?
A: I’d like to wear Hinata cosplay costume! It’s so lovely!
Q: Are you often photographed? Since many cosplayer (especially beginners) feel nervous or unnatural while facing the lens, would you like to sharing us some experience or skills here?
A: I work as Photo-Alternative Model since 2008, so I have no problem now to be photographed with your costume. But obviously , when I started to do cosplay and modeling sets I was a little nervous and I did not know what to do exactly, especially about pose and movements. I also had some problems with the make-up and I remembered when I had to wear contacts lenses for the first time..was a real mess! *_*
Q: Is there any cosplay plan you are rather interested in yet not able to do it due to some reasons? And what is your next plan?
A: I wanted to cosplay Nico Robin from One Piece in Water Seven version, but I never have occasions to perform her with that outfit. Probably, because when I wanted do to it I was new to cosplay and to make the costume by my- self was very difficult for me and I also did not know any cosplay shop/site where I could buy it .
My next cosplay plans are Zhen Ji from Dynasty Warriors 6 and Selene from Underworld.
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help her get free Naruto Outfit !
See the Prizes. Naruto cosplay is the theme for sponsor contest in December. So, ten Naruto costumes are picked out as prizes for winners. Click each of them to go to the product page, where detailed information about the costume can be seen. Each winner can choose any ONE from these costumes.
See All Participants in this Contest Here!