Tutorial by Ren from
• white feathers
• silk color (red in this case)
• ecoline (red in this case)
• water
• pot
• chopsticks
• kitchen paper
• winegar
• hair drier
First we have to put water in the pot and let it boil, when it’s ready, put some winegar in the water and add 2 spoons of silk color and one spoon of ecoline.
Gently mix the water with a pair of wood chopsticks and remove from the fire.
Now we can dip our feathers into the water (just 5 feathers at time), mix an leave them in the water for 3 minutes. As long as they stay in the water, the more bright will be the color on the feathers.
Pick up the feathers from the pot with the chopsticks and lay them down on the kitchen paper. With another peace of paper, gently press the feathers to remove the excess water.
Now with the hair drier dry off the feathers. Be carefull! You have to use it at the minum strenght and medium heat so the feathers will regain their fluffy shape.
Now you can proceed with other feathers.
Check the water temperature often, the water must be hot.
You can also make some color gradiations!
Just dip in the water only the side of the feather you want to color! Like this!
You can dye a colored feather (like this pink one) with a darker color (red in this case), just add more winegar in the water.
This is a guest post from Ren, entered in the Cosplay Tutorial Contest. Click here to check out all the participants and their scores, and more details about the contest, like the rules, how to join, the prize, etc.
Author Bio:
Name: Ren
Gender: Female
Nationality: Italian
Personal Blogs & Social Networks: deviantart,
Comments about the tutorial: This is a tutorial about how to dye feathers. An easy way to color them exactly as you wish.