Videogame Cosplay Interview: Brittany Jung as Zelda (Part 2)


On my last post i started interviewing Florida cosplayer: Brittany Jung, as she cosplayed as Zelda from The Legend of Zelda.  For the 1st part of this interview CLICK HERE.

Now we will continue our interview as we learn about Brittany’s experiences as one of the most well known and beloved Nintendo Princesses of all time: Princess Zelda.

7. What do you personally feel when you are portraying the character and why do you choose to cosplay her?

“When I portray her, I feel like I have to look just as gorgeous as her and as graceful! I choose to cosplay her because I wanted to make a childhood dream come true. I wanted to be her, just like very little girl wanted to be a Princess. I do love her character design more than any other Nintendo design. xD”

8. What are people’s reactions to you when you are in costume?

“I feel like I get some attention when in costume. Every convention I go to I get a lot of photos from others as well as make friends. I also like to act in character while in cosplay as well. I feel like it makes peoples days as well as making mine.”


9. What was the hardest part about bringing this charcter to life?

The hardest part about bringing her to life is just trying to portray her in photos. I wish I had more but I want to show that Zelda is a strong girl character and can kick some butt!”

10. Did you ever get any special recognition for this costume?

“I did get a photoshoot with a really awesome photographer for free by the beach in LA. But other than that, not really hahaha.”


11. What videogame character would you like to portray next?

“Hmm. Right now I am not sure. I would love to work on Twilight Princess Zelda next or get started on my Dream Drop Distance version of Sora.”

12. Lastly is there anything you would like to convey to the readers?

“Sure! I always love to encourage others to cosplay or keep cosplaying if you are! Everything is possible no matter what level you are on. Everyone can cosplay no matter gender or size! Do what you love to do and keep at all your dreams and hopes.”

If you would like to see more of Brittany Jung’s art and cosplay make sure to check out her deviant art account HERE.

I hope you enjoyed this interview, if you have any cosplays you would want to see be sure to comment below, or if you want to compliment Brittany please leave a comment.


Videogame Cosplay Interview: Brittany Jung as Zelda (Part 1)


Today we will be continuing our Videogame Cosplay Interview series, today we have a Florida cosplayer known as Brittany Jung as she cosplays Zelda from The Legend of Zelda.  She is a 22 year old cosplayer that studies photography, she aspires to one day run her own costume photography studio.  She started gaming around 6 or 7 years old, playing the original Legend of Zelda back on the NES.  Now she enjoys RPGS, action/adventure, and fighting games.  Her favorite game is Kingdom Hearts.

Brittany first got into costuming at 8 years old when she dressed as Zelda for Halloween.  It was her first costume so it did not really look too much like the zelda we know and love.  But as you can see Brittany has improved greatly since then and is now making many wonderful costumes.  She shows these costumes off at local conventions, which she first started attending in 2003.  She has made many wonderful friends at these conventions as well as finding a boyfriend to share in her cosplay hobby.  She is now an active participant in Metrocon‘s (a large FL convention) Chess Match, which has various videogame and anime characters fighting it out in a live stage show.

Now that we know a little bit about this great cosplayer, let us now find out more about her beautiful Zelda cosplay:


1. As a female cosplayer, why did you take an interest in this character and how close does the character resemble your personality?

“I feel like Zelda is a strong Female character. I like to find stronger Female characters to cosplay as. I don’t see her as a damsel in distress as much as others may see her. I am not very close to Zelda personality wise except for the kindness and caring aspect of her. I am not very “princess-like” at all! I am very much a tomboy.”

2. What initially drew you to play the game she is from?

“I think, if I can remember that far back, I was drawn to it because my cousins were playing it. I wanted to play it myself and so my parents bought it for me. I spent hours trying to beat it and I was surprisingly good at it for being so young! It’s really special to me because it connects me back with childhood. I used to pretend to be Zelda when we played those little grade-school games.”

3. Did the character’s outfit influence your choice in cosplaying her?  What was the main draw toward choosing this outfit?

“I love her outfit! The design is so complex as simple as it looks. There are so many interesting designs and I love that.”


4. What kind of female videogame characters would you like to cosplay?

“Hmm.. I have wanted to cosplay as Kos-Mos before, but I would also like to cosplay as Princess Peach as well as Twilight Princess Zelda.”

5. Is she your favorite videogame character? If not who is?

“My favorite video game character is Sora from Kingdom Hearts. I connect with him a lot. He is honestly the male version of me.

6. What drove you to put in the work to make this character’s outfit and how did you go about making it?

“The love for the series puts a huge drive in everything that I do when it comes to cosplay. Sometimes I had to walk away from it it got frustrating and I wanted it to be perfect! The whole costumes involves everything from craft foam to resin. The armor pieces and crown is made out of craft foam and clay covered in resin. It’s more of a pain to wear since I can’t really move in it all that well. That’s probably why the game Zelda cannot really move either, hahah. The front panel is all embroidered. And the dress was just made out of a basic dress pattern and had the lines sewn on which was much more painful that it looks. The ears are made of latex and were bought as well as my Ocarina, which actually plays! The whole process took about 3 months to complete.”


Stay tuned because later this week will be part 2

of my interview with Brittany Jung as Zelda.

Comment below if you would like to see more of Brittney’s cosplays