Cosplayer Bio
Name: Brittany Hope
Gender: Female
Nationality: America
Social Networks:
Hi! =) My name is Brittany, I’m 23 years old and live in New York. I’ve been cosplaying since I was 18 and I always have SO much fun with it! I decided to enter this contest because I have just recently been doing Naruto cosplay, and I thought it would be a lot of fun! I always try my best with all of my cosplays, trying to make them as accurate as possible, and when I can I like to make my cosplays myself =) I hope you all enjoy my stuff and I wish everyone good luck!
Naruto Cosplays Done by Brittany
1. Itachi Uchiha
Comments: This photo was taken at New York Comic Con this year by my extremely talented friend Ger. She is an AMAZING photographer. This was my favorite shot from the set she took of me as Itachi. I thought the lighting and composition were awesome and it shows the whole outfit! ^^ The only thing you cant really see is my mangekyo sharingans. I have more close up shots on my deviantart listed above!
2. Sasuke
Comments: This costume was debuted at Otakon 2011 and was made by me (except the shoes =P ) the wig is styled by me as well as the shuriken is made by me. The tattoos took a total of 3 hours to put on! But I was extremely happy with the result and had an awesome time that day!
3. Sasuke
Comments: Another photo taken by Ger of my normal Sasuke cosplay, taken at New York Comic Con 2011. I really liked the lighting in this as well, and it also gives a good look at my giant shuriken =)
4. Gaara
Comments: Gaara was debuted at Otakon 2011. It was HOT out and boy did that heavy gourd not help, but we met a really awesome photographer, Andrew, there who was nice enough to do a mini photoshoot for me, my boyfriend as Asuma, and my other friend Alexa as Yuna from Final Fantasy. My cosplay and gourd were both made by me, and the gourd weighs about 15-20 pounds. This is my favorite picture of me as Gaara!
Here’s an simple interview:
Q: Which Naruto costume listed as prizes do you most want?
A: I usually try to make my own cosplays unless its something too complicated for me (I only just recently began to learn!) so I would say the Kakashi one!
Q: What’s attractive to you about cosplay?
A: I have so many great memories about cosplay and conventions. I have met so many wonderful people and made so many friends, some of which are my closest friends to this day! I love cosplaying because it gives you a chance to escape reality and just have fun!
Q: Your most memorable moment while cosplay?
A: Probably my first convention ever, Anime Boston 2008. I couldn’t believe how many other people like me there were out there, and everyone was so nice! I had such a great experience and because of it I still go to conventions as often as I can!
Q: Are you often photographed? Since many cosplayer (especially beginners) feel nervous or unnatural while facing the lens, would you like to sharing us some experience or skills here?
A: When I am at conventions I get photographed a good amount. The best advice I can give is to relax, have fun, and get into character as best as possible!
Q: Is there any cosplay plan you are rather interested in yet not able to do it due to some reasons? And what is your next plan?
A: My dream cosplay that I haven’t been able to do yet is Sasuke’s stage 2 curse mark form, with wings. Since I am new at making my own cosplays, I am kind of intimidated by the wings, but it might be happening soon with the help of some friends! My up coming plans are Pain, Temari, and shippuden Sasuke, all at Katsucon in February =)
Q: Which cons do you want to participate recently? What is your favorite part about going to cons?
A: I go to Anime Boston every year with out fail =) This upcoming year, I am aiming to to go Katsucon, Anime Boston, Otakon, and I would love to go to Anime USA for the first time!
Q: How do your family members think of your cosplay? Do you also feel interested and support you?
A: My family doesn’t know much about Japanese anime, but they admire my creativity and think it’s great that I have learned to sew and that I have fun doing it. They know it makes me happy and that I make a lot of friends through it so they support me as much as they can.
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See the Prizes. Naruto cosplay is the theme for sponsor contest in December. So, ten Naruto costumes are picked out as prizes for winners. Click each of them to go to the product page, where detailed information about the costume can be seen. Each winner can choose any ONE from these costumes.
See All Participants in this Contest Here!