How To Make League Of Legends Storm’s Fury Janna Wand For Cosplay

Do not be captivated by Janna’s beauty. Like the wind, she is one gust away from terrible destruction.

As Janna is also called the Storm’s Fury in League of Legends, she is a powerful mage and uses a

wand to generate storms! We have completed the Janna costume, and now we would like to share

a way of making her weapon out of EVA sheets and a pipe.

Materials: pencil, paper, knife, EVA sheet, pipe, light blue glitter paint, white latex or poly-putty base.

First step, draw the weapon shape on a piece of paper, be sure it’s life sized.
Cut it off and we got a paper pattern. Then trace it onto the EVA sheet and cut along the line.
We need two EVA patterns here. janna a 

The stone seats have been marked when outlining the shape. So at this step, we just cavern middle part out. To make the whole wand more solid, bevel at the edges.   janna b

janna cImplant an iron wire at each sharp corners, in cease that it can be easily bent or broken.

Attach and glue an EVA piece at the tail end of each wires.janna e

Next big step is to apply putty, actually white latex is better, but we adopted putty here.
And before brushing, you’d better wear a mask to fend against the terrible smell.

After the putty coat, it’s polishing, which will take much time. janna f

Then, spary all over the piece with blue glitter paint!
Let it alone a while and drys out. We will take care of the stone part.  janna fOutline the stone shape and get 5 pieces of EVA patterns.
Glue the pieces together.
Bevell at edges and brush some latex or putty.  janna iTry out the stone onto the base piece and then accordingly polishing and repairing.
When the above is done, color all stones into golden and glue them on. janna jHere we are almost finishing. About the handle, which is very simple, when glue the two EVA pattern together, build-in a section of the pipe.

The Storm’s Fury Janna cosplay has been available, check it out and find more League of Legends costumes at miccostumes cosplay store.Janna cosplay



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