Daily Cosplay – Blazblue Noel Vermillion Cosplay

Blazblue Noel Vermillion Cosplay

How lucky we are! We found m-a-r-i-k-o today, as the excellent cosplayer in daily cosplay. This is her Blazblue Noel Vermillion cosplay performance on the Sakura-con 2011. Actually speaking, she can’t be neglected in the busy crowd because of such a stunning appearance. The blue dress ideally accents her sex appeal. Plus the detachable sleeves and hat, she charms the crowd by irresistible grace. Only one cosplay work is found in her gallery. But it’s totally believes she deserves waiting. We will continue to share excellent cosplay works from her here later.


I’m also a devotee for cosplay. To do well in this performance art, I’m interested in hunting for funny, gorgeous or fantastic pictures. From these breathtaking works and interviews done by cosplay talents, I always get inspired.