Cosplayer Interviews–Imari Yumiki

We’ve been doing interviews with fancy cosplayers all over the world recently. And today we have Imari Yumiki, a passionate girl ( i thought she was a boy….OMG)  from United States. I don’t know her, haven’t met her, but I can feel her enthusiasm for cosplay, and even for life through her words. Imari Yumiki, glad to have you here! 🙂

1. Please Introduce yourself first?

I am Imari Yumiki, a everyday normal person who loves cosplay, anime, videogames, figure collecting, conventions, and has a never ending love for animals.

I am also a dedicated user of which is a great cosplay website for fans all alike. I highly suggest it if you don’t have an account to get one! They cover all sorts of conventions and masquerades all over the USA, they also do cosplay events with industries at conventions where you can have fun promoting your favorite series! It’s open to all internationals and local USA to join to share their cosplay works.

ACP is my main cosplay page where everything is updated first when I get my photos from conventions. It also has my upcoming cons/plans. I do have other social networks and other websites I update but this is always my number 1 main.

2.What does cosplay mean to you?

Cosplay is one of the biggest hobby in my life, I have done it for many years now and I am never tired of it. It’s something where I can dress up and portray a character for a day. All the work I put into cosplay just to portray the character as best as I can with wig, costume, make up, and learning how to be in character is just a lot of fun. It touches my creative side in every way possible and I am happy to have this as one of my main hobbies. I do not see Cosplay as a serious business thing at all, it’s suppose to be having fun and doing what you love that counts the most. I don’t feel people should try to see this as a competitive hobby because cosplay is all about the creativity play all together.

3.What was your first cosplay?

Haha, it was such a long time ago, my first cosplays would be from Yu Yu Hakusho. Even though I only started to going to convention events in 2005 for the USA. I’ve been cosplaying longer than that, mostly at international events in the past.

4. Does your family support your cosplay?

Yes they do. My sister, Eve aka. Everon, takes majority of my photos for my cosplay. It’s nice to have someone who loves taking photos that is so accessible. :3 As for my parents, they believe that the creativity I get from all the cosplay making + wig/make up is a very good healthy hobby. They support my doings and do not believe it’s a waste of time. So they are perfectly fine with me doing what I love because they know I am clear minded and just having pure fun.

5. What is your most memorable cosplay experience?

Being able to meet all the wonderful people through cosplay events and conventions. It’s always something I am grateful for. All the experiences I have had through cosplay has build what I am today, it is a part of me that will always mold me into a person with different experiences through my life.

6. What are your 2011 cosplay plans?

If you follow my page you can see all the new costumes I have been doing for 2011 so far. There are many more coming this year that is just too much to list, if you are interested I usually post sneak peak on all my social network pages. However the ratio seems to be tilting back where I am doing a lot of female characters this time around vs. the big ratio of male characters hee hee. I will keep my balance though, it’s so fun to cosplay things I really want to do this year though!

7. If possible, which anime/manga/game do you want to cosplay most?

I really want to do something that is full body and mask covered, like Beelzemon from Digimon and Vampirdzhija Vjedogonia from Nitro+. (Yay Nitro+! It’s my passion to cosplay from my favorite artists/company works! I admit I am a big Nitro fan just like I am Harvest Moon fan haha. I’m such a nerdy gamer.) Cosplaying full demon/devil like character is something I really want to try!

8. Do you make costumes yourself or buy them?

I make all of my cosplays, all the way from simple to complex, patterning/sewing/crafting/etc. Usually I will state which pieces I don’t make myself if there is any. I also style wigs and make props, the reason I love cosplay so much is because I can be so artsy and crafty. Constructing your own costumes and being able to wear them afterwards is a big happiness of mines.

9. Any other cosplayers you like?

All of my friends are very inspirational to me and people who have a strong passion for cosplay. I respect everyone who puts their very best and just having fun with cosplay.

10. Do some changes happen to you after cosplay?

I’ve learned to be more outgoing a bit and not clam up. Although I am still shy and sometimes run out of things to say, I try my best in talking to others and keeping up a conversation. But if anyone who has talked to me felt I just stopped talking, I apologize because most likely it’s just me shying and clamming up after I have lost a train of thought. (^^0

11. Any advices you wanna share with cosplay newbies?

Cosplay Idea – In choosing what cosplays to do, I suggest choosing things you love, either series or character. The emphasis on the portrayal of character is much better when you love the character your doing. Sometimes if your interested in the costume due to artwork that’s ok too, just look into it to get more of the feel for the character.

Cosplay Choices – If you sew or learn to sew to make costumes. Never worry about trial and error, it happens to everyone. If there is never mistakes, you will never learn through the process. Don’t ever feel you have failed if you just make a mistake, it’s always ok to improve in the future. If you are buying your costumes just remember, your doing what you want to. It is ok for people to buy costumes and wear them in public as long as you are having fun doing what you want. Just as long as you never lie you made your costume, there is nothing wrong with buying outfits to wear. Credit properly to the ones who should be credited.

Tips – Whether your a competitive type masquerade or just cosplaying for fun. Always remember to respect others because not everyone is the same as you. Some people may put up a different view on cosplay and why they do it just let them be. If you do it for fun then never let anyone change that. There is nothing worse then letting yourself fall into someone’s way of thinking. Just like life, cosplay community is still a social community. Not everyone will get along but you will also meet many wonderful people who do, just have fun with it.

12. When will you stop cosplay ?

It really depends on how life changes, anything can happen in life but I like looking toward the positive of everything. Everything and anything is possible in life but no matter what I want to try my best looking at it positively. As long as I have time, I will always continue cosplaying and taking photos.