This is a guest post from 冬ミ (fuyumi), entered in the Cosplay Tutorial Contest. Click here to check out all the participants and their scores, and more details about the contest, like the rules, how to join, the prize, etc.
Author Bio:
Name: 冬ミ (fuyumi)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Vietnamese-Australian
Personal Blogs & Social Networks: deviantart#1, deviantart#2, blogger
Comments about the tutorial: My tutorial is on Ranka Lee form Macross Frontier, I really wanted to be accurate to how the art was drawn to a 3D application. I have given tips on how to look better for cameras, since cameras can saturate make-up colours as I’ve learned the hard way. I’ve also shared a few tips I’ve picked up on wigs, eye shadow application and also the products I use which I really love ! They give me the best outcomes without me having to burn a whole in my wallet to pay for them 😛 Hope everyone likes my tutorial and was able to take something form it to apply to your own cosplays :3
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