Cosplay is addicting! You get inspired and go crazy at it. But, how can you tell if you’re a true Cosplay Fanatic? Here are 10 signs you’re addicted to cosplay.
1. When watching any show you are constanly thinking “I can cosplay that.”
2. You walk into any apparel store and start planning what can be used for “casual cosplays.”
3. Your savings is just another word for cosplay expenses.
4. The employees at Joannes all know you by name.
5. You have more Cosplays than clothes.
6. All Plans are second to cos-plans.
7. You have every wig but the one you need for your new cosplay
8. Friends gather at your place for projects because they know you will know exactly what to do.
9. No one knows all nighters like you do.
10. You are incredibly creative and love making something fictional come to life!